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Edit Session Options

The following options set the panel definition environment for the session. These options affect the creation and editing of panel definitions.

Fill mode

Establishes whether the panel is filled with nulls or blanks when the panel layout is accessed.

N (Nullfill)

You must enter leading blanks to position fields entered on a blank line or at the end of a line, but you can use the INSERT key to insert fields before an existing field. To enter a blank line between existing lines, you must put at least one space on the line.

B (Blankfill)

You can enter new fields exactly where you want them positioned, without adding leading blanks, but you cannot use the INSERT key without first deleting trailing blanks or other characters.

You can also set this option using the command:

Copy direction

Establishes the default destination and format when dataview fields are copied into a panel definition using the CREATE command or the COPY prompter. Valid values are:

H Horizontal. Places the fields one after another across the line. If a field and its header do not fit on the current line, they are placed in the first position of the next line. Five spaces are inserted between fields.

V Vertical. Places the fields one after another down the panel, in a column beginning in the first position of each line.

Label format

Establishes the default placement of field headings relative to the fields. Valid values are:

C Colview. Places the headings on a line preceding the fields.

S Sideview. Places the headings to the left of each field.

N No heading. No headings are included in the layout. This is the default value.


Establishes the default destination of the copied fields on the panel. Valid values are:

T Top. Places the fields at the top of the panel, preceding the first line on the existing layout.

B Bottom. Places the fields at the bottom of the panel, below the last line of the existing layout.

You can also set these options using the command:


Note: An error occurs if the length of a field or a field and its heading does not fit on one panel line.

Wide option

Establishes whether you can create wide panels. You can also set this option using the command:

Save as profile

Specifies whether the values specified are stored as SET commands in a member named PDF#ON, which can be executed automatically at sign‑on.

The PDF#ON member contains SET commands only for the values that were changed on the Panel Session Options fill‑in. Each time the Panel Session Options fill‑in is changed and you save it as PDF#ON, the existing member is updated by placing SET commands for the changed values at the end of the member.

To execute the PDF#ON profile member at sign‑on, enter the following command in your SIGNON member:


Note: Regardless of the value specified for this option, changes specified on the Panel Session Options fill‑in take effect for the session when you press the Enter key.