To identify a panel definition, enter the CREATE PANEL command on the command line or on the prompter displayed by selecting the CREATE option from the Panel Maintenance menu. The CREATE PANEL command displays the Panel Identification fill‑in.
The format of the CREATE PANEL command is as follows:
CREATE PANEL panel‑name [{ USING } dataview‑clause ] [{ FROM } ]
Specifies one‑ to eight‑character name that identifies the panel definition.
Creates the panel from the dataview specified in the dataview clause. The dataview fields are actually copied into the panel definition after you leave the Identification fill‑in.
All fields and values that can be reasonably defined in the panel definition are copied. However, variably repeating groups are copied as elementary fields in the panel definition. The group name and repeat factor are not copied to the panel.
The fields are copied in consecutive order as specified in the dataview. The fields are positioned in the panel definition based on the value of the SET PANEL COPY option. This arrangement can be horizontal, with the fields placed in rows across the panel, or vertical, with the fields placed in columns down the panel. The SET PANEL COPY option also controls where headings are placed, above or to the side of each field, or whether they are omitted. For examples of field arrangements resulting from copied dataview fields, see the section titled Placement of the Dataview Field in the Panel Definition in this chapter.
Once the dataview fields are copied into the panel definition, you can modify and relocate the fields to suit the panel layout. You can also add additional fields in panel layout.
The dataview clause identifies the dataview from which fields are copied. It has the following format:
{DVW dvw‑name [VERSION ver] } { * }
Specifies 1‑ to 32‑character name of a cataloged dataview.
The version of the specified dataview, specified as PROD, Tnnn, or nnn (for sequential dataviews). The default is PROD. You can omit the keyword VERSION when you specify PROD.
* Specifies the current dataview, if a dataview definition is current. A dataview definition is current if it is the last entity you display or edit.
For more information about copying fields from a dataview, see the section Rules for Copied Dataview Fields in this chapter.
Note: To create a wide panel, set the panel session option WIDEOPTION to ON or YES, and use the panel Parameter fill‑in to set the width for the panel.
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