The Panel Parameter fill‑in provides default settings similar to the panel session options, but they apply only to the current panel definition. If you make no changes to the Panel Parameter fill‑in, the settings default to the panel session option settings. If you change the values on the Panel Parameter fill‑in, the changes apply to the current panel only. You can override field defaults set for the panel on the Panel Parameter fill‑in for any individual fields on the Input Rules, Output Rules, or Extended Field Definition fill‑in.
To change the parameters for a specific panel definition, enter the command PARM from the command line. The Parameter fill‑in displays as shown in the following illustration:
=> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDEAL: PANEL PARAMETERS PNL ADRMPNL1 (001) PROD SYS:DOC FILL‑IN Input fill character S (S=space, L=lowval, Z=zeros, U=_, other=itself) Output fill character U (S=space, L=lowval, U=_, other=itself) Non-display character S (S=space, other=as specified) Error fill character * (as specified) Case translation U (U=upper, M=mixed) Required N (Y=yes, N=no) Error handling B (N=none, *=fill w/errorfill, H=high intensity,) (B=both: H if illegal value & * if rqd missing) Edit-rule error proc _ (C=clarify command, A=application) Process appl on scroll _ (Y=yes, N=no) Hardware insert _ (Y=yes, N=no) Allow eof _ (Y=yes, N=no) Help panel name ________ Version ___ Prefix panel name ________ Version ___ Suffix panel name ________ Version ___ PF1=HELP, PF3=CLARIFY _ (Y=yes, N=no) PF7=SCR -, PF8=SCR N (N=no, Y=opt Y, Z=opt Z) PF10=SCR TOP, PF11=SCR BOT (Option Y) PF10=SCR LEFT,PF11=SCR RIGHT (Option Z) Panel Width 80 (a value between 80 and 236)
You can change any of the parameters on the Panel Parameter Fill‑in:
The character that pads unused positions after you enter a value and justify it in an alphanumeric field. Valid values for this parameter are:
L is the default for this parameter.
The character that fills blank data entry fields when the panel displays (with a TRANSMIT or REFRESH statement). The output fill character also fills the field when the application moves low values into the field or when the application user presses the Erase EOF key to clear a field. (The function $LOW moves low values into a field.) The output fill character is removed when the panel is transmitted to the application.
Valid values are:
U is the default for this parameter.
The character displayed when the transmitted character is not supported for display. CA Ideal supports all standard 327x characters, including A‑Z, a‑z, 0‑9, and special characters such as punctuation, arithmetic operators and symbols, national characters, braces, and spaces. Valid values are:
The character that highlights a field that contains an error detected during panel validation. The specified character fills the field when the panel redisplays after validation of the field values.
The entry mode for characters the application user entered on the panel. Valid values are:
Specifies whether the application user must supply field values or they can be omitted. This parameter applies to all fields on the panel except where it is overridden by the field definition for a specific field. Valid values are:
Specifies how a field entry is highlighted when an error is detected during panel validation. Valid values are:
Specifies how to handle invalid data entered into panel fields. (Invalid data is data that does not fit the attributes defined for the field on the attribute definition tables or the Extended Field Definition fill‑in.) Valid values are:
If you specify C, all panel fields must pass the editing rules or be corrected by the application user before CA Ideal sends the data to the application.
If you specify A, the CLARIFY command does not display the CA Ideal CLARIFY panel.
Specifies whether control is passed to the application when a scroll command is entered (or a scroll PF key is pressed). Valid values are:
Specifies whether trailing blanks in a field are converted to nulls when the panel is transmitted. Valid values are:
Specifies the default value for Allow EOF in the Extended Field Definition, which controls whether you can use the Erase EOF key when a field is defined with a minimum or maximum range check. If you press the Erase EOF key when the cursor is positioned in a field, the input fill character is inserted from the cursor position to the end of the field. Valid values for this parameter are:
Identifies a panel that can display at runtime to explain the panel. The help panel is identified by name and version. The application user displays this help panel by pressing the PF1 or PF13 function key or by entering the command HELP on the command line. The help panel does not become the current panel when it displays.
A help panel, like any panel, is defined using CA Ideal. However, the following additional rules apply to help panel definitions:
A help panel cannot contain a variably‑repeating group (an asterisk (*) in the Occ column of the Field Summary Table).
A help panel should contain only text fields. If an unprotected field is defined in a help panel and if data is entered in that field when the panel displays, the data is ignored.
You can define as many help panels as are necessary for an application panel. If more than one help panel is required, link the panels in a linear fashion; specify the second help panel as the help panel on the Parameter fill‑in for the first help panel, specify the third help panel on the Parameter fill‑in for the second help panel, and so on.
The following diagram shows the mode to link help panels:
When more than one help panel exists, mention the existence of an additional help panel in the text of each help panel, except the last panel.
For more information about creating help panels, see the Working in the Environment Guide.
Prefix panel name ... Version ...
Suffix panel name ... Version ...
Specifies the name and version number of a prefix or suffix panel displayed as part of the application panel.
Prefix and suffix panels contain information that is common to many application panels, such as company logos, common footnotes, copyright information, and so on. Prefix and suffix panels make it unnecessary to repeat information on every panel that has material in common. There is no limit to the number of panels that can share a common prefix or suffix panel.
Note: These are text only panels. The fields on a prefix or suffix panel are restricted to protected or skipped fields. The program or application user cannot update them.
Prefix and suffix panels display as part of the application panel during execution of the application and when the panel displays for testing or printing.
Specifies whether the standard CA Ideal help key assignments apply for this panel. Valid values are:
Y-Standard help key assignments apply; PF1/PF13 provide help and PF3/PF15 display the CLARIFY screen if the Edit‑rule error proc parameter is set to C (for CLARIFY).
N-The application program determines PF key assignments, which receives control when you press the PF1 or PF3 key.
When you specify Y, this also means that PF2/PF14 returns from the help
PF7=SCR ‑, PF8=SCR +
Specifies whether the scrolling functions for this panel are assigned to the standard CA Ideal scroll PF keys. Valid values are:
Y Standard scrolling assignments apply:
Z Standard scrolling assignments for wide panels apply. This option is only available if the panel session options allow creation of wide panels.
N The application program determines PF key assignments for the above keys, which receives control when you press one of these keys.
Width Specifies the width of the panel. This option is only available if the panel session options allow creation of wide panels. Valid values are numbers between 80 and 236, inclusive.
When you make the changes to the Panel Parameter Fill‑in, you can either enter a command on the command line or press the appropriate PF key to continue with the next fill‑in as shown in the following table:
For this fill‑in |
Enter this command |
Or press this key |
Layout |
PF6 |
Input Rules |
Output Rules |
Extended Field Definition |
PF5 |
Field Summary |
PF9 |
Copy Dataview |
If you did not create a layout with at least one field, you cannot display the Input Rules, Output Rules, Field Summary table, or the Extended Field Definition fill‑in.
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