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Set Access Rights to External NFS READHATES5x and SUSE102 Shares

You must set specific access rights to the NFS share created on the external NFS server so that the target computer can access the image stored in the NFS share. Perform the following procedures based on whether your NFS server is on Windows or Linux.

To set the access rights on Windows NFS server running Microsoft UNIX services for Windows

  1. Right-click the folder that you want to share on the NFS server, and click Properties.
  2. Set the access rights as shown in the following illustration:

    Screenshot showing the Properties dialog of the NFS share with the required options selected

  3. Click the Security tab and set the NTFS file system access rights as shown in the following illustration:

    Screenshot showing the Security tab of the NFS share Properties dialog with the required permissions selected

To set the access rights on Linux NFS server

  1. Ensure that the NFS service is running using the following command:
    Use /usr/sbin/showmount -e 

    This command checks whether the NFS server is active.

  2. Configure the NFS share in /etc/exports. The entry looks like this:
    /home/osim/redhat50-cd *(ro,all_squash,async).