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Create and Register the Golden Image as OSIM OS Image (Step 6)

After a successful prepare and capture step you can create and register the golden image for multiple deployment.

To create and register the captured image as an OSIM OS image, use the following two commands:

  1. Use the IPS command createOSImage to create an OSIM OS image:
    createOSImage -i <OSIM image name> -o IMAGEX-XP (or GHOST-XP)
     -s \\<OSIM-image store>\<imagename>\<imagename>\images\<computername>\<$ImageXImage$n> 
    [-k <product-key>]
  2. Then register the image to the domain manager:
    registerOSImage -i <OSIM image name> -s <name of the manager> [-b]

Now the new OS image can be used for target installation with OSIM.