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Create OSIM Install Jobs to Prepare an Image (Step 4a)

To create OSIM install jobs to prepare images:

  1. Create a getimage OS installation job for the model computer in DSM Explorer.
  2. Set the value of following OS installation parameters:




Specify "getimage" or "getwepos" depending on the support OS type.


Specify "WinPE2.2" or "WinPE3.2"


Specify the name of the directory that contains sysprep files


Specify "prepare"

  1. Activate the OSIM job and boot the model computer.
    The following will happen:

    The model computer boots into WinPE20 and the job execution script <image>.cmd copies the sysprep files from \\<OSIM-image store>\<imagename>\<imagename>\sysprep\$SysprepVersion$ to the hard disk of the model computer. It also copies the OSIM prepare script “osimsysprep.cmd” and the driver registry file and adds execution of the script to the registry (runonce) of the Model computer OS.

    Finally the script reboots the target into the OS of the Model computer.

    Note: No DSM agent should be installed on the Model PC. An installed DSM agent can’t be removed from the getimage (prepare) function.

  2. When the model computer is up again, logon as administrator.
    The following will happen:

    Runonce launches osimsysprep.cmd. Osimsysprep.cmd removes OSIM files from previous OS installations, adds the OSIM driver path to the registry and executes sysprep.

    Sysprep shuts down the model computer.

    On the DSM Manager the prepare job becomes stopped.