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Support OS Functional Overview

A support operating system makes it easier to prepare and capture ImageX or Ghost images from a PXE-enabled model computer by executing an OSIM job and using an OSIM Windows PE20 or Windows PE30 boot image.

See Compatibility matrix for latest operating system support.

You can create and use the above support OS types only if Image Prepare System, the Boot Server, and DSM Explorer are on the same computer. The Boot Server must be configured for Share Access using the sdbsswitch command.

The GETIMAGE-support-operating system requires a CA ITCM WinPE20 or WinPE30, or WinPE40 boot image.

Note: WinPE, WinPEx64, WinPE20x64, WinPE30x64, and WinPE4X64 are not supported.

The GETIMAGE-support-operating system provides an OS-share with directories for the imaging tools like Ghost and ImageX, and it provides directories for the different OS-specific sysprep-programs.

The share also has a writable subdirectory for the images to capture.