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Problem with Size Details of ITCM and CIC Components on the Add/Remove Programs


After I install or upgrade to CA ITCM Release 12.8; Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs does not display the size estimate of CA ITCM, Content Import Client (CIC), Patch Manager, and other CA ITCM components.


Obtaining and displaying the size in Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs is a property of Windows OS and not of InstallShield. This behavior occurs due to a change in the functionality with how Microsoft calculates the estimated size on Windows. Size of each installed component is estimated using the OS algorithm. This algorithm can vary in different versions of windows; impacting the display of CA ITCM size estimates.

To populate the size estimates, you can perform the following steps:

Follow these steps:

Microsoft exclusively uses EstimatedSize registry key to populate the estimated size value in Add/Remove Programs. To populate the size estimates, you can manually edit EstimatedSize registry key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{PRODUCT_CODE}. See Microsoft documentation for more information.