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Create a DOS or DOSX Boot Image

To create a boot image, use the Boot Image Creation wizard in DSM Explorer from Software, Boot and OS Image Library, Image Prepare System, Wizards, New Boot Image or use the command CreateBtImages from the Command Prompt.

Note: DOS boot images are not FIPS-compliant and hence not supported if CA ITCM is operating in FIPS-only mode. You can however, create a DOSX image for Linux deployments.

To create a DOS boot image

  1. Insert a Windows 98 (SE) boot floppy (write enabled) into the floppy drive of the Image Prepare System. The default is the first floppy disk drive, for example, a:.
  2. Make the MS Network client available. Insert a Windows NT Server 4.0 installation disk into the CD drive of the Image Prepare System.

    Alternatively, you can use the command to specify a path to Microsoft LAN Manager files:

    createBTImages  -l<lanman> 

    It is also possible to download the Microsoft Client from the Microsoft ftp server.

  3. Create a directory on the IPS to store the files downloaded from the Microsoft client.

    For example, create a directory msclient on the IPS. Download and store the files dsk3-1.exe and dsk3-2.exe located at to this directory.

  4. Extract both self-extracting files to the msclient directory.
  5. Use the following command to use the downloaded Microsoft client:
    createBTImages -l <path to msclient>\msclient -o DOS

    When this procedure is completed, the Image Prepare System creates two boot images named osinstal.2 and osinstal.3, which are stored at the specified location. Use the command createbtimages -x to view the location at which the images are located.

    Note: If the Microsoft client is not found at the -l <path> or on a CD, the created boot images will only support tftp downloads to the target.

For more information, see the command description for CreateBTImages.

To create a DOSX boot image

  1. Insert a Windows 98 (SE) boot floppy (write enabled) into the floppy drive of the Image Prepare System. The default is the first floppy disk drive, for example, a:.
  2. Execute the following command:
    createBTImages -o DOSx

    After the command is executed successfully, the Image Prepare System creates two boot images named osinstx.2 and osinstx.3. These images are stored at a specified location. Use the command createbtimages -x to view the location at which the images are stored.