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Connecting Records to a Set

To connect a record to a set or to reconnect a record that has been disconnected from a set, perform the following steps:

  1. Ready all affected areas in one of the update usage modes (for more information, see Area Usage Modes).

    Areas should be readied whether they are affected explicitly or implicitly (for example, as owner of a set whose members are being connected).

  2. Establish the following currencies:
  3. Issue the CONNECT command; CONNECT establishes the specified record occurrence as a member of a set occurrence.
  4. Perform the IDMS-STATUS routine if the DBMS returns a nonzero value.

The specified record must previously have been either stored (manual membership) or disconnected (optional membership).

'Native VSAM users'. The CONNECT statement is not valid since all sets in native VSAM files must be defined as mandatory automatic.