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User-defined Edit Modules


This is one of seven screens used to enter information for a specific field. This screen is used to specify the name of the input and output edit modules. Additionally, it is used to indicate when the edit module is invoked.

Sample Screen

User-Defined Edit Modules Page 6 of 7 Map name: EYHTST1 Version: 1 Element name EMP-ID-0415 Subscript In record EMPLOYEE Version 100 Input edit module name: ________ 1. Instead of automatic editing Invoke input edit module: _ 2. Before automatic editing 3. After automatic editing Output edit module name: ________ 1. Instead of automatic editing Invoke output edit module: _ 2. Before automatic editing 3. After automatic editing DC367004 Specify user defined input and/or output modules F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prev F5=Next F6=Preview F7=Bkwd F8=Fwd

Field Definitions

Input edit module name

The name of a user-written edit module to process input after transmission on a mapin operation.

Note: For more information about the use of user-written edit modules, see the appendix "User-Written Edit Modules."

Invoke input edit module

Specifies if the edit module should be invoked instead of, before, or after automatic editing.

Output edit module name

The name of a user-written output edit module used before display on an output operation.

Invoke output edit module

Specifies if the edit module should be invoked instead of, before, or after automatic editing.