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Device-dependent Options


This is one of seven screens used to enter information for a specific field.

Sample Screen

Device-Dependent Options Page 5 of 7 Map name: EYHTST1 Version: 1 Element name EMP-ID-0415 Subscript In record EMPLOYEE Version 100 Numeric data only (/) . . . _ Reverse numeric (/) . . . . _ Detect with light pen (/) / Outline options (/) . . . . _ Top _ Bottom _ Left _ Right Highlighting. . . . . . . . _ 1. Blink 2. Reverse video 3. Underline Color . . . . . 8 1. White 3. Green 5. Yellow 7. Turquoise 2. Red 4. Blue 6. Pink 8. Device default DC365704 Select device dependent options F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prev F5=Next F6=Preview F7=Bkwd F8=Fwd

Field Definitions

Numeric data only

Specifies whether any character or just numeric characters can be entered:

  • If the terminal is not equipped with the NUMERIC hardware feature, the operator can enter any character in the field. To restrict input to numeric characters in this case, a numeric external picture must be assigned to the field and automatic editing must be enabled for the field and map.
  • If the terminal is equipped with the NUMERIC feature, the field accepts only numeric input.

Numeric input includes:

  • Numeric digits in the range 0—9
  • The decimal point
  • The minus sign

Reverse numeric

Specifies whether the contents of a numeric field are reversed on mapin and again on mapout. This option is used for numeric fields when hardware modifications cause input to be entered from right to left.

REVERSE NUMERIC is the default for new fields when NUMERIC FIELD ORDER IS REVERSED is specified in the OLM statement at system generation.

A blank in this field indicates that the field is not reversed on mapin or mapout, which is the default for new fields when NUMERIC FIELD ORDER IS STANDARD is specified at system generation.

Detect with light pen

Specifies whether the field can be detected with a light pen.

Outline options

Enables one or more of the following outline options if the terminal supports field outlining:

Top—Draws a line above the current field. The line:

  • Starts above the first displayable character position in the field
  • Ends either at the delimiter of the current field (for delimited fields) or the start of the next field

Bottom—Draws a line following the current field. The line:

  • Starts following the first displayable character position in the field
  • Ends either at the delimiter of the current field (for delimited fields) or the start of the next field

Left—Draws a line to the left of the field.

Right—Draws a line to the right of the field.


Specifies whether the field will blink, be displayed in reverse video, or be underlined.


The runtime color of the field, or of the background if Reverse video is specified. The developer can specify only one display color. Device default specifies that the default display color for the terminal is used. Color attributes other than device default take effect only when the map is displayed at a 3279-type terminal.