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Specifying Paging and Update Requests

Paging-type Specification

The paging-type specification for a dialog or program determines whether the program or the runtime mapping system handles paging and update requests. Paging and update requests are made when the operator presses a control key:

Three Types of Paging

One paging-type option must be specified for a dialog or program that uses a pageable map. The paging options affect the flow of control when an operator presses a control key during a paging session as described in the following table:


Affect on flow of control


(default) Specifies that the runtime mapping system automatically handles all paging and update transactions. Control is passed to the program runtime system only when neither an update nor a paging request is made when the operator presses a control key.


Specifies that runtime mapping automatically handles paging transactions that do not cause data to be updated. Control is passed to the program runtime system when an update or non-paging request is made.


Specifies that the mapping runtime system does not handle any terminal transactions in the paging session. Control is passed to the program runtime system whenever the operator presses a control key.

Note: Runtime mapping does not update program variable storage unless a MAP IN command is issued. In cases where the operator can update data, it is recommended that WAIT or RETURN be specified for the map-paging session so that data can be retrieved as it is updated.

CA ADS automatically handles all MAPIN and MAPOUT commands.

Paging Type


Paging request


Non-paging request


No MDT set

Any MDT set **

No MDT set

Any MDT set **


Runtime mapping displays the requested map page

Runtime mapping displays the requested map page

Control passes to the program runtime system

Runtime mapping redisplays the same map page


Runtime mapping displays the requested map page

Control passes to the program runtime system

Control passes to the program runtime system

Control passes to the program runtime system


Control passes to the program runtime system

Control passes to the program runtime system

Control passes to the program runtime system

Control passes to the program runtime system

* If <Clear>, <PA1>, <PA2>, or <PA3> is pressed, and that key is not associated with backward or forward paging, refer instead to the Non-paging Request heading.

** If <Clear>, <PA1>, <PA2>, or <PA3> is pressed, refer to the No MDT Set column under the same heading.

How to Specify the Paging-type

The paging-type is specified for a CA ADS dialog or application program as follows:




  • NOWAIT/WAIT/RETURN option—Map Specifications screen in ADSC
  • PAGING TYPE clause




