Previous Topic: Map-Paging Session OptionsNext Topic: Specifying Paging and Update Requests

Putting Options into Effect


CA ADS issues a #STRTPAG and #ENDPAG request for you under the conditions specified in the following table:




When a pageable map is associated with a dialog


Across dialogs when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The dialog that passes control and the dialog that receives control are associated with the same pageable map.
  • The dialog that passes control and the dialog that receives control are defined with the same map-paging session options.

Control is passed by means of a LINK, INVOKE, or RETURN command.


When any of the following conditions are met:

  • The application terminates normally
  • The application aborts
  • The application passes control to another dialog under any of the following conditions:
  • The dialog receiving control is associated with a different pageable map than the one that initiated the map paging session
  • The dialog receiving control has different map paging dialog options than the dialog that initiated the map paging session
  • The dialog that initiated the map paging session issues the TRANSFER command, either by way of a CA ADS PROCESS statement or an EXECUTE NEXT function
  • The dialog that initiated the map paging session returns control to a higher level
  • POP or POPTOP is issued and the menu receiving control is at a higher level than the dialog that started the paging session

Application Programs

With COBOL, PL/1, and Assembler, the program must explicitly issue the paging requests.




In the DML statement that initiates the paging session:

  • By the COBOL or PL/I STARTPAGE statement
  • By the Assembler #STRTPAG macro


Across program branches if no DML command to initiate a new paging session or terminate the existing session is encountered.


By a DML statement that either explicitly terminates the current paging session or begins a new paging session and implicitly terminates the current paging session:

  • The COBOL or PL/I ENDPAGE statement explicitly terminates a map-paging session; the STARTPAGE statement (above) implicitly terminates the current map-paging session.
  • The Assembler #ENDPAG macro explicitly terminates a map-paging session; the #STRTPAG macro (above) implicitly terminates the current map-paging session.