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General Options—Page 2


This screen is the second of two screens used to enter general information for the map. This screen is used to specify attributes for fields that are redisplayed during an error cycle.

Sample Screen

General Options Page 2 of 2 Map name: EYHTST9 Version: 1 Attributes for redisplayed fields In error Not in error Display intensity 1. Normal 2. Bright 3. Hidden . . . . 2 . . . . _ Highlighting 1. Blink 3. Underline . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ 2. Reverse video Color 1. White 4. Blue 7. Turquoise . . 2 . . . . _ 2. Red 5. Yellow 8. Default 3. Green 6. Pink Entry options 1. Protect 2. Unprotect . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ 1. Numeric 2. Alphanumeric . . . . . . _ . . . . _ 1. Set MDT 2. Reset MDT . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ Detect with light pen (/) . . . . . . . / . . . . _ Tab key selection (/) . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ DC366804 Select map options F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prev F5=Next F6=Preview F7=Bkwd

Field Definitions

Note: For the following fields, specify the options for fields in error and those not in error.

Display intensity

Specifies whether the field is displayed and whether a displayed field appears at normal or bright intensity:

Normal—Specifies that the field is displayed at normal intensity.

Bright—Specifies that the field is displayed at brighter than normal intensity; the field appears highlighted on the screen.

Hidden—Specifies that the field is not displayed. Data written to the field from program storage or entered by the operator is not visible. Password fields are often attributed the Hidden attribute.


For 3279 machines only: specifies whether the field blinks, is displayed in reverse video, or is underlined.


Specifies the color of the field, or of the background if Reverse video is specified for the field. The developer can only specify one display color. Default specifies that the default display color for the terminal is used. Attributes other than default take effect only when the map is displayed at a 3279-type terminal.

Entry options

  • Protect/Unprotect—Identifies whether the fieldis protected from data entry (1) or open to data entry (2).
  • Numeric/Alphanumeric—Specifies whether the field is numeric (1) or alphanumeric (2).
  • Set MDT/Reset MDT—Specifies whether the modified data tag should be set automatically during a mapout operation or only when the contents of the field are altered by the terminal operator.
  • Detect with light pen—Specifies whether the field can be detected with a light pen.
  • Tab key selection—Specifies whether the operator can use &tab. to move the cursor to the field at runtime.

When this option is on, NOSKIP and UNPROTECTED are specified for a field.