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General Options—Page 1


This screen is the first of two screens used to enter general information about the map. Information entered here includes the title of the map, device information, display and print options as well as indicators for automatic editing, decimal point handling, and the message prefix.

Sample Screen

General Options Page 1 of 2 Map name: EYHTST9 Version: 1 Description. . . ________________________________________ Type . . . . . . 1 1. Standard 2. Pageable 3. Videotex Screen sizes (/) / 24 by 80 / 32 by 80 / 43 by 80 / 27 by 132 Automatic editing (/) . . . . / Decimal point is comma (/) . . _ Message prefix . . . . . . . . DC Display options Unlock keyboard (/). . . . . . . . . . / Turn off MDT (/) . . . . . . . . . . . / Alarm Options Sound alarm on mapout (/). . . . . . . _ Sound alarm on edit error (/) . . . . _ Print options Print screen when displayed (/). . . . _ (3280-type) Line control 1 1. No formatting 3. 64 chars per line 2. 40 chars per line 4. 80 chars per line F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prev F5=Next F6=Preview F8=Fwd

Field Definitions


The title of the map. This is for documentation purposes only.


The type of map. For example, a standard one-page map, a pageable map, or a videotex map. Videotex refers to the French display devices that are connected to the national phone system.

Screen sizes

The terminal screen sizes on which the map can be used. At least one must be selected; a maximum of four can be selected. The default device specifications are determined by the screen size of the device on which the map is being defined.

Device specifications must be specified when you create the map; they cannot be changed online. To change the specifications, you must use the batch compiler and utility.

Note: For more information about using the batch compiler, see Compiler Action Verbs.

Automatic editing

Indicates whether automatic editing and error-handling are enabled for the map:

  • / (default)—Globally enables automatic editing and error-handling for the map.
  • Blank—Globally disables automatic editing and error-handling for the map; editing and error-handling criteria (if any) defined for map fields are ignored.

Note: For more information about enabling and disabling automatic editing, see "Enabling Automatic editing and error handling."

Decimal point is comma

Specifies the character to be used as the decimal point for numeric fields on the map:

  • /—Specifies that the comma (,) character is used as the decimal point in numeric fields, in accordance with international format. An external picture for the field also must comply with international format, with the comma as the decimal point.
  • Blank—Specifies that the period (.) character is used as the decimal point in numeric fields.

The default setting for the Decimal point is comma prompt is determined at system generation.

Message prefix

Defines the prefix for messages for the map.

Display options

Unlock keyboard—Specifies whether the keyboard is unlocked after a mapout operation:

  • / (default)—Specifies that the keyboard is unlocked.
  • Blank—Specifies that the keyboard remains locked until the operator presses the RESET key.

Turn off MDT—Specifies whether modified data tags (MDTs) for data fields are reset when the map is mapped out:

  • / (default)—Specifies that all MDTs are reset (turned off) when the map is mapped out.
  • Blank—Specifies that MDTs are left unchanged when the map is mapped out.

The Set modified data tag specification for individual fields on the Map Read/Write Options screen overrides this field.

Alarm options

Sound alarm on mapout—Specifies whether the terminal alarm sounds when the map is mapped out:

  • /—Specifies that the alarm is sounded. This specification is meaningful only if the terminal is equipped with a hardware alarm.
  • Blank (default)—Specifies that the alarm is not sounded.

Sound alarm on edit error—Specifies whether the terminal alarm sounds when the map contains edit errors:

  • /—Specifies that the alarm is sounded. This specification is meaningful only if the terminal is equipped with a hardware alarm.
  • Blank (default)—Specifies that the alarm is not sounded.

Print options (3280-type)

Print screen when displayed—Specifies whether a 3280-type printer prints the screen on a mapout:

  • /—Specifies that the printer starts printing on mapout.
  • Blank (default)—Specifies that the printer does not print.

Line control—Defines line control for 3280-type printers.

  • No formatting—Specifies that new-line characters are used in the data stream.
  • 40 chars per line—Specifies that data is divided into 40-character lines.
  • 64 chars per line—Specifies that data is divided into 64-character lines.
  • 80 chars per line—Specifies that data is divided into 80-character lines.