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Map Read/write Options


This is one of seven screens used to enter information for a specific field. This screen specifies how fields are handled on the mapin and mapout operations.

Sample Screen

Map Read/Write Options Page 2 of 7 Map name: EYHTST1 Version: 1 Element name EMP-ID-0415 Subscript In record EMPLOYEE Version 100 Map Read Transmit data entry (/) . . . . . . . . / options Zero when null (/). . . . . . . . . . . / Translate to upper case (/) . . . . . . _ Justify data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. Left 2. Right Pad character format . Display . . . . _ Hexadecimal . . __ Map Write Blank when zero (/) . . . . . . . . . . _ options Underscore blank fields (/) . . . . . . _ Display without trailing blanks . . . . _ Set modified data tag (/) . . . . . . . _ Transmit. . . . . . 1 1. Data and attribute byte 3. Erase field 2. Attribute byte only 4. Nothing DC366404 Select input/output edit options F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prev F5=Next F6=Preview F7=Bkwd F8=Fwd

Field Definitions

Map Read options

Identifies characteristics of the field that pertain to mapin operations.

Transmit data entry

Specifies whether the transmitted contents (if any) of the field are to be moved automatically into program variable storage on a mapin operation:

/ (default)

Specifies that data is automatically moved into program variable storage if MDT is set on for the field before a mapin operation.


Specifies that the data contained in the field is not moved automatically into program variable storage, even if the MDT is set on.

Zero when null

Specifies whether the numeric field is to be filled with zeros when automatic editing is enabled for a numeric field and the terminal operator nulls (erases) the contents of the field, as by pressing the ERASE EOF key. The following options are available:

/ (default)

Specifies that the field is filled with zeros of the appropriate data type when automatic editing is enabled for a given field and map and the operator nulls the entire field.


Specifies that data already contained inthe buffer is retained when the entire field is filled with nulls.

Translate to upper case

Specifies if the field should be translated to upper case upon mapin.

Justify data

Specifies how operator input is to be aligned for transmission to variable storage:


Specifies that input is left-justified.


Specifies that input is right-justified.

Pad character format

Specifies a pad character for an alphanumeric field in character or hexadecimal format.

No pad character is used for a field in either of the following cases:

  • The developer does not specify a pad character.
  • The developer cancels a pad character for a field by pressing the ERASE EOF key for the PAD CHAR field in which the pad character was specified, and does not specify another pad character.

Unwanted data can be stored for a field for which no pad character is defined. For example, the following values are stored for a field if JOHNSON is mapped out, the operator presses the ERASE EOF key to erase the field, and the operator then types SMITH:

  • If no pad character is defined for the field, SMITHON is stored for the field. The operator would have to key blanks over ON to eliminate these characters from the data.
  • If a pad character is defined for the field, SMITH is stored for the field.

Map Write options

Blank when zero

Indicates how a numeric fieldbeing edited is to be mapped out when automatic editing is enabled for the field and the value for the field is 0:


Specifies that blanks are displayed in the field.

Blank (default)

Specifies that zeros are displayed in the field.

Underscore blank fields

Specifies that blank fields on a map are underscored. On mapin, trailing underscores are removed.

Display without trailing blanks

Specifies whether trailing blanks are to be eliminated from the field being edited before it is displayed:


Specifies that the contents of the field are displayed without trailing blanks (if any). Old data may remain in the field after operator alterations if NEWPAGE is NO in either the CA ADS sysgen statement or the DML statement that issues the mapout in an application program.


Specifies that the contents of the field are displayed with trailing blanks, if any.

Set modified data tag

Specifies whether the modified data tag is set automatically during a mapout.


Specifies how the contents of the field are to be moved on a mapout.

Data and attribute byte

Specifies that data and the attribute byte is transmitted.

Attribute byte only

Specifies that only the attribute byte for the field is transmitted to the screen; data in the record buffer is not sent to the terminal.

Erase field

Specifies that data is not transmitted to the screen; the field is initialized to null or low values, depending on whether the field is numeric or alphanumeric.


Specifies that neither data nor attribute byte is transmitted. Any data previously in the field continues to display.