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Field Definition


This is one of seven screens used to specify information about a particular field. This screen is used to enter a miscellaneous assortment of information about a field.

Sample Screen

Field Definition Page 1 of 7 Map name: EYHTST1 Version: 1 ...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80 EMP-ID-0415 ____ ...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80 Field at row 7 column 26 Drop field (/) _ Element name: EMP-ID-0415 Subscript In record EMPLOYEE Version 100 Edit Picture 9(4) Display intensity 1 1. Normal 2. Bright 3. Hidden At end of field 3 1. Auto-tab 2. Lock keyboard 3. Take no action Unprotected (/) . . . . . / Required (/). . . . . . _ Automatically edited (/) / Skipped by tab key (/) _ DC366004 Specify the variable field and any attributes F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prev F5=Next F6=Preview F8=Fwd

Field Definitions

Field at row/column

Specifies the location of the field on the map.

Drop field

Specifies whether the field should be deleted.

Element name

The name of the record element associated with the field.

In record

The name of the record with which the element is associated. The record must be previously defined for the map using the Associated Records screen.


Subscript for field with OCCURS clause.


The version number of the record.

Edit picture

Enables automatic editing and establishes an external picture for the field for use by automatic editing. A developer can specify one of the following to establish a particular external picture:

  • An external picture, such as XX/XX/XX or XXX-XX-XXXX
  • The word INTERNAL, which requests that the map use the external picture associated with the record element (or the picture constructed for the field)

When automatic editing has been enabled for the field by a different specification, the external picture associated with the record element (or the picture constructed for the field) is displayed for Edit picture.

Note: For more information about external pictures and automatic editing, see the chapter "Automatic Editing and Error Handling."

Display intensity

Specifies whether the field is displayed and whether a displayed field appears at normal or bright intensity:

Normal—Specifies that the field is displayed at normal intensity.

Bright—Specifies that the field is displayed at brighter than normal intensity; the field appears highlighted on the screen.

Hidden—Specifies that the field is not displayed. Data written to the field from program storage or entered by the operator is not visible. Password fields are often attributed the Hidden attribute.

At end of field

  • Auto-tab
  • Lock keyboard
  • Take no action


Specifies whether the field accepts operator input:

  • /—Specifies that the field is open to data entry or modification. Data in an unprotected data field is transmitted to program variable storage on mapin if all of the following conditions are true:
  • Modifications have been made to the field (the MDT is set on).
  • Automatic editing does not detect an input error in the data.
  • The Transmit data entry option has been chosen on the Map Read/Write Options screen.
  • Blank—Specifies that the field does not accept user input. Any attempt to enter, modify, or delete data in the field is physically restricted by a 3270-type terminal. If MDT is set programmatically data is read. Data in a Protected field on some glass TTY terminals can be overridden by the terminal operator; however, operator modifications are ignored on mapin.


Indicates if data must be entered in the field.

Automatically edited

Indicates if automatic editing is enabled.

  • /—Enables automatic editing for the field. Automatic editing is to be performed for the field if automatic editing is also enabled for the entire map on the first Associated Records screen.
  • Blank (default)—Disables automatic editing for the field.

Automatic editing is not performed for the field, even if automatic editing is enabled for the entire map on the first General Options screen.

Editing can be enabled for a field by entering a slash (/) in the Automatically edited field or by supplying an external picture, edit table name, or code table name on the Additional Edit Criteria screen. The most recent specification takes precedence and determines whether automatic editing is enabled or disabled. For example, if the Automatically edited field is blank, and the developer later names an edit table for the field, automatic editing is enabled.

If the format of the record element associated with the data field is not DISPLAY, editing must be enabled so that conversion to DISPLAY format is performed.

Skipped by tab key

  • /—Specifies that the operator cannot use tabto position the cursor on this field at runtime; the cursor skips over this field and is positioned on the next unprotected field. Choosing this option specifies NUMERIC and PROTECTED for the field.
  • Blank (default for variable fields)—Specifies that the cursor is positioned at the start of the field when the operator presses the tab key at runtime. Choosing this option specifies UNPROTECTED for a field.