The Environment--Runtime Directives screen is used to specify the severity levels, encountered at runtime, that display errors and prevent update of the data dictionary.
CA IDMS Enforcer Rnn.n ─── Environment - Runtime Directives ──── mm/dd/yy hh:mm COMMAND ===> ESXAUED DICTIONARY: PROD NODE: NODELD09 DISPLAY ERRORS FOR: Informational ==> Y ( Y-Yes, N-No ) Warning ==> Y ( Y-Yes, N-No ) Fatal Errors ==> Y ( Y-Yes, N-No ) PREVENT DICTIONARY UPDATES FOR: Informational ==> N ( Y-Yes, N-No ) Warning ==> N ( Y-Yes, N-No ) Fatal Errors ==> Y ( Y-Yes, N-No )
Exhibit 3.19: Environment--Runtime Directives Screen
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