The Environment--Severity Levels screen is used to review and modify Template severity classes and their associated severity level (I--Informational, W--Warning, or E--Error).
To alter the severity level for a severity class, type M in the selection field to the left of the Severity Class of the Severity Level you want to alter. Modify the value displayed in the Severity Level field (use I, W, or E) and press the Enter key. A message will indicate the outcome of the operation.
CA IDMS Enforcer Rnn.n ─── Environment - Severity Levels ───── mm/dd/yy hh:mm COMMAND ===> ESXAUES DICTIONARY: PROD NODE: NODELD09 LAST UPDATED: mm/dd/yy LAST USER: UPLOAD Specify Starting value or paging commands to select a CLASS for modification: Start with CLASS ==> 000 SEVERITY CLASS SEVERITY LEVEL (I)nformational (W)arning (E)rror 000 I 001 E 002 W 003 I 004 E 005 W 006 I 007 E 008 W 009 I 010 E 011 W 012 I 013 E 014 W
Exhibit 3.18: Environment--Severity Levels Screen
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