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Select Event Triggers and Assign Templates

Specify certification events to generate CA GovernanceMinder certification emails.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the CA GovernanceMinder Portal, go to Administration, Settings, Email, Events.

    The Email Events window displays a list of events that trigger emails.

    Note: This screen displays legacy events and templates from previous versions of CA GovernanceMinder. Legacy events are listed at the bottom of the table, and have separate Aggregation Templates. Do not activate these events.

  2. Select the events that you want to trigger emails, and clear events that you do not want to trigger emails.
  3. (Optional) Select an alternative template for the event in the Template drop-down list of the event.
  4. Click Save to save settings.

    The selected events are enabled and templates assigned.

    Next, you define CA GovernanceMinder certification email properties.