Programming Guide › Customizing Business Flows › Common Functionality in CA GovernanceMinder Workpoint Processes › Parent and Child Processes in a Workflow › Input from Workflow Control Actions
Input from Workflow Control Actions
In addition to review actions, some standard business workflows create workflow control actions. When users submit these control actions, CA GovernanceMinder advances parent processes and invokes or terminates Workpoint jobs for child tasks.
Example: Create a New Role
When a user submits a new role request, the product creates an instance of the BBNewRole process.
The product steps through the process as follows:
- At the Set Role Reviewer node, the product determines which user is the role owner.
- At the Start Children node the product creates child Workpoint jobs to review the links that are part of the new role.
- At the Open Approval Action node, the product places the Create Role workflow control action in the certification queue of the role owner.
- Child jobs for certification actions continue in parallel.
- When the role owner submits the Create Role workflow control action, the product advances the workflow to the Disable Open Approval Action nodes. The product terminates the child Workpoint jobs that are not yet complete, and removes these actions from the certification queues of certifiers.
- The role is created with the approved privilege links.
Example: Initiate Change Approvals in a Certification
The following example shows how the product uses parent control processes, child task processes, and workflow control actions to control a complex workflow behavior.
To implement a certification workflow, the product creates an instance of the AggCert control process.
The product steps through the AggCert job as follows:
- The Is Aggregate node evaluates to Yes.
- At the Start Children node, the product creates child Workpoint jobs for the links under review. For example, a user certification generates jobs based on UCertURes, USuggURole, and other User Certification processes.
This node also places a Start Approvals workflow control action in the certification queue of the certification owner.
The Send Email node notifies the certification owner that the certification has begun.
- The AggCert job waits at the Flow Owner Action node.
Child jobs for certification actions continue in parallel. When a reviewer submits their Certify or Suggest action, the corresponding job stops at its Wait for flow owner node, which signals the product that it is waiting to continue.
- When the certification owner submits the Start Approvals workflow control action, the product advances the AggCert job to the Disable Certify Action node. The product terminates the child Workpoint jobs that have not yet signaled that they are waiting to continue, and removes these actions from the certification queues of certifiers.
- At the Signal Children node, the product signals the remaining child processes to continue.
The change approvals phase of the certification begins. Child jobs advance to nodes that assign change approval actions to reviewers.
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