The most commonly used CA GovernanceMinder business workflows include one or more review tasks. Managers and resource owners review privileges to certify compliance with security mandates, and for ongoing role-based access control.
For example, standard processes for certifications subject the link under review to the following two reviews:
Self-service workflows typically implement a single change approvals review for each new or changed privilege link.
The following building blocks conduct initial certification review of the entity under review:
Initial certification review focuses on a single entity and its links. In standard CA GovernanceMinder processes, there is one reviewer - typically, the manager of the entity under review. These code blocks match the entity under review to a user account in CA GovernanceMinder.
The following building block initiates change approval review for new or deleted links:
Because privileges are expressed as links between two entities, change approval reviews involve two reviewers - one for each entity in the link under review. In standard CA GovernanceMinder processes, this code block matches each entity of the link to a user account in CA GovernanceMinder.
Note: Typically reviewers are owners or managers of reviewed entities.
You can customize these nodes to include more reviewers and more complex review processes. You can duplicate these nodes to create multistep review chains.
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