Programming Guide › Customizing Business Flows › Common Functionality in CA GovernanceMinder Workpoint Processes › Assigning Reviewers › How to Define a Set of Reviewers › How CA GovernanceMinder Assigns Reviewers
How CA GovernanceMinder Assigns Reviewers
To assign each reviewer in a set of reviewers, CA GovernanceMinder matches one of the entities under review to a user account in the CA GovernanceMinder data universe. CA GovernanceMinder matches entities to reviewers in the following ways:
- CA GovernanceMinder searches a member list to find a record that matches attribute values of the entity. When a match is found, the review action is assigned to the user that is specified in that record of the member list.
- CA GovernanceMinder queries the RACI configuration files of the universe, and assigns the review action based on the user who is Accountable for the entity.
Note: In user certifications, CA GovernanceMinder first queries the Configuration user manager field defined in the target universe to identify the manager of each user.
- CA GovernanceMinder assigns the review action to a default reviewer defined for the universe.
- CA GovernanceMinder retrieves multiple reviewers from CA IdentityMinder Role Owners or Role Administrators at runtime.
Note: Role reviewers from CA IdentityMinder are treated as one action and the result is taken from the first reviewer that submits their decision.
- CA GovernanceMinder assigns the review action to a reviewer based on an entity (user, role, or resource) attribute or link attribute.
When you define a reviewer, you can specify one method, or a combination of these options.
Important! Define a default reviewer to avoid process errors when a reviewer is not found.
When you combine multiple methods, CA GovernanceMinder evaluates them in the following order:
- CA GovernanceMinder searches the approver attribute you specify.
- CA GovernanceMinder searches the approvers from the CA IdentityMinder role you specify.
- CA GovernanceMinder searches the member list you specify.
- CA GovernanceMinder searches the RACI configuration using the logic you specify.
- CA GovernanceMinder uses the default reviewer you specify.
CA GovernanceMinder proceeds until one method matches a reviewer, and uses the first reviewer it finds.
This behavior is similar to options in the certification template wizard of the CA GovernanceMinder portal. However, these options are generalized and available in all certification and change approval nodes.
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