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Automatic Approvers

You can define filters that identify when specific users receive a review item, and automate their response. These reviewers are automatically assumed to approve the link or entity under review. The review item is omitted from their certification queue. If weighting is defined, the weight of their response counts as if they approved the link.

One common use of this option is to prevent duplicate reviews. For example, the manager of an entity typically receives the initial certification review of a certification. If they reject a link of the entity, typical node logic selects the same manager to approve the change that they themselves requested. To prevent this, the change approval node handles reviewers from the previous certification node as automatic approvers.

You can use the following automated approval filters:

After the product applies the logic you defined to select reviewers, this filter is applied. Reviewers that appear in the filter lists are treated as automatic approvers.

Note: When you define automatic approval filters, weighted approval criteria, or a subset of reviewers, the resulting logic can force the node to approve or reject the link under review in all cases. This forced response invalidates the purpose of the review node. Check the likely result when you apply these options to a set of reviewers.