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Review Completion Criteria: Aggregation and Weighting
You define a completion condition for each review node. When this condition is met, the product concludes the review, updates field values, and runs agent scripts of the node. The product also removes related review items from the certification queues of reviewers.
You can apply the following conditions for completion:
- First Reviewer: The review item concludes when one reviewer submits any decision (approve or reject) on the review item. Related review items are deleted from the certification lists of the other reviewers.
- Any Reviewer: The review item concludes when one reviewer submits an approval on the review item. This option is equivalent to a logical OR between all reviewers in the set. Related review items are deleted from the certification lists of the other reviewers.
- All Reviewers: The review item is approved only after all reviewers have approved it. If one reviewer rejects it, the review item immediately completes as rejected. This option is equivalent to a logical AND between all reviewers in the set.
- Weighted Response: You assign a numerical weight to the approval response of each reviewer. You also set a threshold value for approvals. When the weighted sum of approval responses meets or exceeds the threshold, the review item concludes. Conversely, when the weighted sum of rejection responses makes it impossible for approvals to meet the threshold, the review item concludes.
Note: When you define weighted approval criteria, automatic approval filters, or a subset of reviewers, the resulting logic can force the node to approve or reject the link under review in all cases. This forced response invalidates the purpose of the review node. Test the likely result when you apply these options to a set of reviewers.
The following examples clarify use of weighted reviews.
Example: x Out Of y Weighting
In a set of four reviewers, each reviewer has a Weight value of one. The minimum threshold value for completion is three.
The review concludes when the following conditions are met:
- When any three of the four reviewers approve the link, the threshold is met. The product concludes the review with a decision to approve the link under review.
- When any two of the four reviewers reject the link, it is impossible for the sum of approvals to meet the threshold value. The product concludes the review with a decision to reject the link under review.
Example: Percentage Weighting
In a set of six reviewers, the following Weight values are defined:
- Reviewer A has a Weight value of 20
- Reviewer B has a Weight value of 40
- Reviewer C has a Weight value of 70
- Reviewer D has a Weight value of 60
- Reviewer E has a Weight value of 30
- Reviewer F has a Weight value of 10
The minimum threshold value for completion is 100.
The review concludes when the following reviewers approve the link:
- Reviewers B and D, or
- Reviewers A, B, E, and F
Other combinations of responses conclude the review when the weighted sum of approval responses equals or exceeds 100. The result of the review is to approve the link under review.
CA GovernanceMinder concludes the review when the following reviewers reject the link:
- Reviewers B, C and D
- Reviewers B, C, and E
In these cases, it is no longer possible for the sum of approval responses to exceed the threshold of 100. The review concludes with the decision to reject the link under review.
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