Refer back to the window examples shown earlier and familiarize yourself with the eGolfer Home Web page and the pages directly accessed from it. On this window, we have an advertising banner, two group boxes, some push buttons, and some entry fields, including a scrolling list box.
To get to this page, golfers have had to either successfully register or login. When this page comes up, it will automatically be populated with the golfer's name and handicap index (if there is one) passed to it from the eGolf Services action diagram. Additionally, we want it to open pre-populated with a listing of the golfer's scoring records, if the golfer has any. To get the scoring records, we will assign an open event to the dialog that will call the List Scoring Record server procedure. Open events are triggered when the window or dialog they are associated with are opened. They perform any logic associated with them prior to the actual display of the dialog or window.
Once here, golfers can then add, update, or remove scoring records. They can also update their own personal profiles or remove themselves entirely from our system. When updating information about themselves, or removing themselves from our database, we need only call the Maintain Golfer server. However, when adding, updating, or deleting scoring records, there are three server procedures that we need to call:.
There are ways that are more efficient to handle this, but this will keep our logic relatively simple.
Reviewing the previous information and the window examples, we can determine that, for our eGolfer Home primary dialog and its associated secondary dialogs; we are going to need the combined views from the three server procedure steps. To get a jump start on creating the views, we can go into the eGolfer Home procedure step action diagram, add procedure step use statements for each of the three servers, and use match and copy to create the necessary import and export views.
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