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Add Procedure Step Use Statement

Now we want to add the procedure step use statement, matching the import views of the server with the import views of the client, and the export views of the server with the export views of the client.

Follow these steps:

  1. With the Command is statement highlighted, from the Menu Bar select Edit, select Add Statement…, select Procedure Step Use…, select the non-display procedure step maintain golfer, and then select the Add push button.
  2. In the MAINTAIN GOLFER Import View Matching panel select IMPORT GOLFER, then from the possible supplying views in the client EGOLF SERVICES HOME select IMPORT GOLFER, select the Match push button, and then select the Close push button.
  3. Next, in the MAINTAIN GOLFER Export View Matching panel, select EXPORT GOLFER, and in the Possible Receiving Views for EGOLF SERVICES HOME select EXPORT GOLFER, then the Match push button, and then the Close push button.