Follow these steps:
Notice that Procedure Step Action Diagrams (PrADs) and Process Action Diagrams (PADs) look very similar. They each have Import views, Export views, Local views, and Entity Action view types, each of which are used for the same purposes in each diagram. One of the main differences between the two diagrams, however, is the way in which the views are generally handled. Since process action diagrams (and common action diagrams) usually only perform one activity, we can effectively starve their import and export views, only having in them exactly what is required for that one execution of the process. However, procedures typically support multiple processes. For example, this procedure—Maintain Golfer—is going to support adding new golfers, logging in golfers, updating golfers, calculating their handicap indexes, and deleting golfers.
Individually, each of these processes only uses a small subset of the golfer's attributes. However, collectively, they usually end up using every attribute of the golfer. Therefore, for procedure steps (particularly for those that support multiple processes), the import and export views typically look identical, and typically end up having all of the attributes of the supported entity type in its import and export views. In fact, one of the reasons we chose to put all of the processes in this one procedure was that they had similar view requirements. So let us add the views required for this procedure.
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