Previous Topic: Upgrading to CA Enterprise Log Manager Version 12.5 through Offline Subscription

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Download and Install the Pre-12.5 Offline Upgrade Package

Begin the upgrade by downloading and installing the pre-12.5 offline file package.

To download and install the pre-12.5 offline upgrade file package from the CA FTP site

  1. On a system with Internet or FTP access, navigate to the FTP offline subscription site:

    The directory index displays a folder for each major CA Enterprise Log Manager release.

  2. Select the 12.5_Offline_Subscription folder, and the Pre_12.5_Upgrade folder.
  3. Download the pre-12.5 offline subscription update package. The file name follows the following format:


  4. Using physical media such as a disk, or using scp, manually copy the .tar file to the following path on your offline proxy:


  5. Log into the default subscription proxy through ssh as the caelmadmin user.
  6. Switch to root.
  7. Navigate to the following path:


  8. Stop iGateway.
  9. Rename the existing subscription directory under /data to subscription.bak. For example, rename it to mydir/data/subscription.bak.
  10. Untar the tar file using the following command:
    tar -xvf subscription_12_<x_x_x>.tar

    This creates a subscription folder and extracts the 12.5 upgrade modules. Correct ownership and permissions are automatically set.

  11. Restart iGateway.