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Using a Transformation to Roll Up a Subtype Relationship

A subtype relationship is a relationship between a supertype entity and a subtype entity. You can use a subtype relationship to create a hierarchical grouping of entities that share common characteristics.

When you transition from one design layer to another, or when you change a model over time, the way that you represent subtype relationships can change. You can apply a transformation to roll up a subtype entity to the supertype entity.

The main reasons why you apply a transformation to roll up a subtype relationship include:

Supertype Subtype Roll-Up Wizard

To roll up a subtype relationship, you select the subtype relationship symbol Sub-category button on ERwin Toolbox, and click the Supertype-Subtype RollUp Supertype Subtype Rollup transformation icon icon on the Transformations toolbar.

Result of Rolling Up a Subtype Relationship

When you click Supertype-Subtype RollUp to roll up a subtype relationship, you:

Important! Once you apply the Supertype Subtype Roll-Up transformation, it cannot be reversed. While in the current modeling session however, you can undo the action.

More information:

Roll Up a Subtype Relationship with a Transformation