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Update or Modify a Complete Compare Option Set

You can make changes to and save an option set created in an earlier Complete Compare session. For example, you can start with an option set created for another Complete Compare session and add or remove objects or properties to create a variant of that option set.

To update or modify a Complete Compare Option Set

  1. Click Complete Compare on the Actions menu.

    The Complete Compare wizard opens.

  2. Select the models, database, or script file you want to participate in the compare, and then click Type Selection in the navigation pane.

    The Type Selection pane opens.

  3. Click the Open icon.

    The Windows standard Open dialog opens for you to open an existing option set saved to an XML file. If your option set was saved with the model, it appears in the drop-down list.

  4. Select an option set and click Open.

    Your saved option set opens and the choices are populated in the object tree. The full path and name of the option set is displayed in the box beneath the Option Set buttons.

  5. In the Complete Compare Type Selection dialog, make changes to the displayed option set by selecting or clearing the check boxes in the object property tree.
  6. Click the Save icon.

    Your changes are saved to the current option set.

More information:

Select Objects and Properties By Type

Manage Complete Compare Option Sets