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Select Objects and Properties By Type

Use the Type Selection dialog to set the compare level to a model type - logical level, physical level, or database level. Your choice is then set as a default option for the compare process. You can also indicate a customized option set for your compare, create a new option set, and edit, rename, or delete an existing option set.

To select the types of objects to be compared in Complete Compare

  1. Click Complete Compare on the Actions menu.

    The Complete Compare Wizard opens.

  2. Select the model, database, or script for both the left and right model, then click Type Selection in the navigation pane.

    The Type Selection pane opens.

  3. In the Type Selection pane, you can filter specific objects by clearing the check box next to the object name. You can save your selections in a new option set, or you can select options and use them for the current compare session only. Choose from the following options:
    Compare Level

    Sets the selection type for your compare. You can set this depending on the model, database, or script file you chose for the left and right pane of the selection dialog. When you select a compare level, each pane of the Complete Compare wizard subsequently displays this information for easy reference.

    • Logical Level - All objects contained on the logical level of a model.
    • Physical Level - All objects contained on the physical level of a model.
    • Database Level - All objects on the database level.
    Open, Save, Save As, or Delete an Option Set

    Lets you create a new option set, which you can save for future use, or open, modify, or delete an existing option set.

    Standard Default Option Set

    Filters many objects and properties from the selection tree. It excludes "physical-only" object types, and includes a minimal set of property types. Use this default for standard compares where it is not necessary to include all objects and properties in the compare process.

    Advanced Default Option Set

    Includes all objects in the selection tree, except those that are assigned generated values during forward or reverse engineering. Use this default option set for advanced compares, in which you want all objects to participate in the compare process.

  4. Click Next to continue to the next pane.

    The type selection is saved.

More information:

Complete Compare

Complete Compare Examples

Complete Compare Wizard Summary