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Spell Check a Comment in a Property Editor

The toolbar in the Comment tab of a property editor includes a spell check feature.

When you work with comment text, click the spell check icon Spell Check Icon to open the Check Spelling dialog. The spell check utility automatically starts to check each word in your comment text. The following features are available in the dialog:

Not in Dictionary

Displays a word not found in the dictionary. When a word is not found in the dictionary you can choose from the following options:


Makes no changes, skips this occurrence of the word and move to the next word in the comment text.

Ignore All

Makes no changes, skips all occurrences of the word in the current comment.


Displays likely alternate words. You can select a word from the list, and then click the following:


Adds the selected word to the dictionary selected in the Add words to list.


Changes the selected word to the selected word in the Suggestions box.

Change All

Changes all occurrences of the selected word to the selected word in the Suggestions box.


Displays additional word suggestions.

Click Undo to reverse the last change. Click Cancel to cancel your changes and close the dialog.

You can customize the default spell check features when you work with the Options and Dictionaries functions. Click the Options button to open the Spelling Options Editor where you can work with default spell check settings, such as ignoring capitalized words, and so on. Click the Dictionaries button to open the Spelling Dictionaries Editor where you can create and customize spelling dictionaries.