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Type Resolution Wizard

The Type Resolution Wizard appears in the following cases:

Use the Type Resolution Wizard to verify that the type signatures of the compared models are identical. If the compare scenario does not include missing types or type conflicts, the Type Resolution dialog is not displayed.

Work with the options in the following panes in the wizard:

Name Conflicts

Lets you resolve conflicts with identically named UDP types that have different data types. In this scenario, each conflicting UDP type is split into two types each with a new name. The new types are copied to both models. For example, a data type named User with a data type of Text in one model, and List in the other model, replaces User with new names User_1 and User_2. You can indicate different names in the New Name column as long as the names do not conflict.

Illustrates how to resolve conflicting UDP names


Lets you resolve differences with properties of data types. When one of the models in the compare session contains UDP types that are not present in the other model, use the Properties pane to copy the missing property types to the other model. You can copy in either direction.

Illustrates how to resolve conflicting UDP properties

The Property Resolution dialog includes the following fields:

Type Name

Specifies the UDP type name used in the model.


Specifies the object class on which the UDP is created.

Data Type

Specifies the data type of the UDP.


Specifies the status of the UDP type in the two models that are compared. The status can be Equal or Different. Equal indicates that the UDP name and properties are same in both the models. Different indicates that either the name or the property of the UDP do not match.

Property Name

Specifies the UDP property that is different.

(source model name)

Specifies the property value that exists in the source model. If the property does not exist, the field is filled with xxxx.


Copies the property to either the source or the target model. The direction in which the arrow points is the model to which you can copy.

(target model name)

Specifies the property value that exists in the target model. If the property does not exist, the field is filled with xxxx.

More information:

Complete Compare

Complete Compare Examples

Complete Compare Wizard Summary