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Save a Result Set to a CSV File

After you have executed a query and the results display in the Results box, you can save the results to a *.csv (comma-separated values) file to work with it in other reporting tools, or to share with your modeling team.

To save a result set to a *.csv file

  1. Click Query Tool on the Tools menu.

    The Query Tool opens.

  2. Open a query file or create a new query and click the Execute ODBC_Execute icon on the toolbar.

    Your query results display in the Results box.

  3. Click the Save Result Set as CSV ODBC_Save_CSV icon displayed next to the Restrict row count to box.

    The Save As dialog opens.

  4. Enter a file name and location for your file and click Save.

    The file is saved, the Save As dialog closes, and you are returned to the Query Tool.

More information:

The Query Tool

Execute a Query