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Drag Model Objects from the Model Explorer to the Diagram Window

You can drag model objects from the Model Explorer to the diagram window to copy model objects or include membership in subject areas. For example, you can drag a domain from the Model Explorer to a table on the diagram window to create a column based on the domain.

When you drag an object, the cursor indicates the action that you are performing.

Depending on the type of object that you select, when you drop the object, the original object moves, creates a copy of the original object, or includes the object as a member of a subject area. The following lists each object type that you can drag, and the default action performed when you drag the object.

Object Type

Dragging Default Action

Entity/Table/View/Materialized View within the same subject area

Moves the original

Entity/Table/View/Materialized View between subject areas

Includes the object as a member of the subject area


Copies the original


Creates a column or attribute