Previous Topic: The Theme Editor

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Formatting Options in the Theme Editor

You use the Theme Editor to define the default theme for various ERwin objects. The Theme Editor displays tabs for each object and it depends on the model type that you select. In a logical/physical model, you can switch from the logical model to the physical model to change the settings for each side of the model.

The Theme Editor has the following options:


Specifies the name of the Theme.

Default Font

Specifies the default font for the selected Theme. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style options.

Diagram Fill

Specifies the default fill color for the diagrams in the selected Theme. Click Theme Editor Default Fill Tool to change the fill style options.

Entity Font

Specifies the default font for the entities in the selected Theme in a logical model. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style options.

Table Font

Specifies the default font for the tables in the selected Theme in a physical model. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style options.

Entity Fill

Specifies the default fill color for the entities in the selected Theme in a logical model. Click Theme Editor Default Fill Tool to change the fill style options.

Table Fill

Specifies the default fill color for the tables in the selected Theme in a physical model. Click Theme Editor Default Fill Tool to change the fill style options.

Attribute Font

Specifies the default font for the attributes in the selected Theme in a logical model. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style options.

Column Font

Specifies the default font for the columns in the selected Theme in a physical model. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style options.

FK Attribute Font

Specifies the default font for the foreign key attributes in the selected Theme in a logical model. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style options.

FK Column Font

Specifies the default font for the foreign key columns in the selected Theme in a physical model. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to change the font style options.

FK Attribute Color

Specifies the default color for the foreign key attributes in the selected Theme in a logical model. Click Theme Editor Default Color Tool to change the color options.

FK Column Color

Specifies the default color for the foreign key columns in the selected Theme in a physical model. Click Theme Editor Default Color Tool to change the color options.

The Theme Editor includes the following tabs:


Define the font and color for the background window and the overall default for objects on the diagram window.


Define font, fill, and outline options for entity names and definitions in a logical model.


Define fonts and colors options for owned and foreign key attributes in a logical model.


Define font, fill, and outline options for table names and definitions in a physical model.


Define fonts and colors options for owned and foreign key columns in a physical model.


Define the key display preference, the Alternate Key (AK) Attribute font, and the Inversion Entry (IE) Attribute font.


Define the font, fill, and outline options for the name and definition for a view. Define display fonts for an owned attribute and expression.

Materialized Query Table (DB2 only)

Define the font, fill, and outline options for the name and definition for a materialized query table. Define display fonts for an owned attribute, expression, Alternate Key (AK) Attribute, and Inversion Entry (IE) Attribute.


Define style inheritance options, and the font, color, and line style for relationships.

Subtype Symbol

Define style inheritance options, and the font, color, and line style for subtypes.


Define formatting options such as font, fill, line, and outline for annotations/shapes.

Where Used

Displays what is affected by the selected Theme. The display can include a diagram name, subject areas, individual modeling objects, and drawing objects.


Lets you enter definition text to associate with the selected Theme.


Lets you create a UDP to associate with the selected Theme.