Previous Topic: Formatting Options in the Theme Editor

Next Topic: Set Font and Fill Preferences for Objects

Create a New Theme

You use the Theme Editor to create your own theme that sets the preferences for displaying objects in your model. When you create a new theme, you can choose to apply it to any diagram by selecting this theme from the Theme Editor when you are working in that diagram.

You use the Defaults tab to set the preferences for font and fill colors for all objects in your model. When you select a Theme for your model, all objects in your model inherit these values.

Note: The options and tabs change depending on the model type (logical or physical) with which you are working.

To create a new theme

  1. Click Themes on the View menu.

    The Theme Editor opens.

  2. Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the toolbar to create a new theme and work with the following options:

    Specifies the name of the theme. Enter the theme name in this field.

    Default Font

    Specifies the default font. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to define the font style.

    Diagram Fill

    Specifies the default fill color for diagrams. Click Theme Editor Default Fill Tool to define the fill style.

    Entity (or Table) Font

    Specifies the default font for the entities (or tables). Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to define the font style.

    Entity (or Table) Fill

    Specifies the default fill color for the entities (or tables). Click Theme Editor Default Fill Tool to define the fill style.

    Attribute (or Column) Font

    Specifies the default font for the attributes (or columns). Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to define the font style.

    FK Attribute (or Column) Font

    Specifies the default font for the foreign key attributes or columns. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to define the font style.

    FK Attribute (or Column) Color

    Specifies the default color for the foreign key attributes or columns. Click Theme Editor Default Color Tool to define the color.

  3. Click the Defaults tab and work with the following options:
    Font Settings

    Specifies the default font. Click Theme Editor Default Font Tool to define the general font style.

    Fill Settings

    Specifies the default color for the objects in the diagram. Click Theme Editor Default Fill Tool to define the general fill style.

    Line Settings

    Specifies the default line style. Click Theme Editor Default Line Tool to define the general line style.

    Outline Settings

    Specifies the default outline style for the model. Click Theme Editor Default Outline Tool to define the general outline style.

    Diagram Fill

    Specifies the default background color for the diagrams in your model. Click Theme Editor Default Fill Tool to define the general fill style.

  4. Work with the options on the other tabs to define display options for specific objects, such as views, relationships, and subtype symbols, or define UDPs or theme definition.
  5. Click Close.

    The theme is created and the Theme Editor closes.