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Add a Model Source in the Model Explorer

When you work with design layers, it may be important to link a model with its model source so that you can identify the historical parent of a model. After you link a data model to its source, you can synchronize the two models to selectively apply changes to one or the other.

To add a model source in the Model Explorer

  1. Right‑click the Model Sources Folder and click New on the shortcut menu.

    The Add Model Source wizard opens.

  2. Follow the steps in the Add Model Source wizard to finish adding the model source.
  3. Click Add to complete the process and close the wizard.

    The source objects are added to your target model, and models are linked. As you continue to work with the models, all the changes you apply to the model and the model source are tracked.

Note: For more information about adding model sources, see Working with Design Layers.