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Additional Schema Generation Options

A full range of options is available for generating a schema. Use these additional options for refining your output:

Check Model

Creates a Model Validation report before you forward engineer your model. The report checks for corrupt objects and reports other errors associated with correct forward engineering. To run the report, click Forward Engineer, Check Model on the Actions menu.

Using Option Sets

Lets you save the selections you make in the Options tab to an external XML file, or you can save the selections with the model. Click Save As to save your current option set. You can also share option sets with other users. If you want to use an option set you created earlier, click Open to select the XML file.

Filtering Tables

Lets you filter out selected tables for the schema generation when you click the Filter button. By default, all tables in your model are included in the schema generation. A selection dialog opens that lets you move selected tables out of the list of tables included in the schema generation.

Setting an Owner Override

Lets you set a global name override, or a name override for other physical objects relevant to your target server, such as tables, views, and triggers.