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Create Relationships

In the following exercise, we will add two relationships:

To create relationships

  1. Click the Identifying Relationship tool Identifying Relationship Tool in the ERwin toolbox.

    The cursor changes from the arrow symbol to the identifying relationship symbol.

  2. Click the parent entity to begin setting an identifying relationship between the parent and child entity in the Diagram Window.
  3. Click the child entity.

    A highlighted relationship line connects the two entities.

    Note: The relationship line is temporarily highlighted to make it easier to view the relationship. The relationship line is highlighted as you create it, or any time you select it.

    When finished, your model should look similar to the following example:

  4. Click the Non‑identifying relationship tool Non-Identifying Relationship Tool in the toolbox.

    The cursor changes from the arrow symbol to the non-identifying relationship symbol.

  5. Click the parent entity and then click the child entity to add a non‑identifying relationship between them.

    When finished, your model should look similar to the following example: