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DXinfo Tool—Collect System Information

DXinfo collects information about your system and saves this information in a file. You can then send this file to CA to help our support staff with any problems you are having.

This command has the following format:

dxinfo [-f filename] [-t foldername] [-a foldername] [-d date] [-x options] [-v] [-h]
-f filename

Specify the file name for the system information. If you do not specify a file name, DXinfo stores the information in etrdir_dxinfo.log.

-t foldername

Specify the folder in which the results will be stored. Include the trailing slash. If you leave out this option, DXinfo saves the results in the running directory.

-a foldername

Specify an additional folder to be collected. This option lets you include DXmanager-related logs and configuration files. Any files that you specify here are compressed into a separate archive file.

-d date

Specify the date for which the DXinfo tool will collect logs. If you use this option, the tool collects files with the date included in the filename, plus any log files with no date in the name.

Use one of the following formats to specify the date:

-x options

Specifies the information that you want to exclude, where options is a comma-separated list of one or more of the following:


Runs in verbose mode.


Displays usage information for this tool

More information:

Collect Diagnostic Information for CA Support