Previous Topic: DXinfo Tool—Collect System Information

Next Topic: Information Collected by the DXinfo Tool

Default DXinfo File Names and Locations

DXinfo saves the following information in compressed files. They are in the location in which you ran the DXinfo tool, unless you used the -t option to save the files elsewhere.

Type of Information

Information Collected

Name of compressed file

Log files

Files in the logs directory

  • Windows:
  • UNIX: cadir_logs.tar.Z

Configuration files

All files in the config directory

  • Windows:
  • UNIX: cadir_config.tar.Z

System information

  • Version of the DXinfo tool
  • The time you ran the tool
  • Version of CA Directory. This includes the output from the command dxserver version, and, for Windows only, the %DXHOME%\bin\dxserver.exe file version information.
  • Version of the operating system. On Windows, this is found with the winver command. On UNIX, this is found with the uname -a command.
  • The installation location for CA Directory
  • The value of DXHOME
  • (Windows only) User environment. This is found with the set command, for both the current and system users
  • (Windows only) Registry information


Any additional files

The DXinfo tool collects all files in the specified directory

  • Windows:
  • UNIX: cadir_customFiles.tar.Z