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Next Topic: Create Democorp DSAs on the New Hosts

Add More Hosts to the Sample Directory Backbone

You now need to create configuration for two more hosts.

To add more hosts to the sample directory backbone

  1. Ensure that DXmanager is still in Edit mode.
  2. Navigate to the Topology map.
  3. Right-click the Site icon, and select Add a new host to the site.
  4. Enter the following details:
    Host name

    Specifies the name of the new host.

    Network Address

    Identifies the host on the network, in one of the following formats: IP address or network address.

  5. Click Finish.

    You have now created the configuration for a new host.

  6. Repeat Steps 1-3 to create the third host.

    The Topology map should now appear similar to the following:

    Screenshot of DXmanager, showing the new hosts

  7. Save this version of the configuration, as follows:
    1. Click Configuration, Save.
    2. Enter a comment that describes the current state of the configuration, and then click OK.

    You can now create Democorp DSAs on the new hosts.