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User Types

ACL has the following user types:

Note: The Admin User user type, which is displayed on the Roles page as a combination PF Power User and SV Power User, is not used in licensing. The Admin User is, however, included in the DevTest Solutions Usage Audit Report for your information.

A user type can be associated with one or more roles. Each role is associated with only one user type. For example, the Runtime User user type has three roles (System Administrator, Runtime, and Guest), but the Runtime role is associated with only the Runtime User user type.

A user can be granted one or more roles. When granted multiple roles, the role that is associated with the highest user type is used for usage auditing purposes. The user type hierarchy is made up of the following user types:

Example of How the User Type is Determined for Auditing Purposes

The permissions that are associated with a role assigned to a user determine the tasks that a user is authorized to perform. An administrator can assign one or more roles to a user. Typically, administrators assign a single role to each user because the permissions for the built-in roles are assigned with the user type hierarchy in mind. For example, the PF Power role is also assigned permissions that are associated with Test Power and Runtime.

To grant users permissions that are not part of the higher role, you can assign them multiple roles.

Consider an example where a user is assigned the following roles:

User types are hierarchical.

The Rruntime User Type is inherited by all user types higher in the hierarchy,

For purposes of the DevTest Solutions Usage Audit Report, the user type under which a user is counted is the highest user type that is associated with an assigned role. In this example, when the fakeName user logs in to a DevTest UI or CLI, the user session is audited as belonging to the SV Power User user type, even if fakeName performs only tasks that are associated with the Runtime role, such as report administration.

SV Power User user type takes precedence over Runtime User.

User Type Inheritance Chart

The following diagram shows all cases of how the user type of a logged in user is determined if the user is assigned multiple roles from different user types. The "highest" user type takes precedence over all lower user types.

There are four user types, where each type is associated w/ permissions assigned  to roles, and types are hierarchical.