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Upgrade an Agent in the DevTest Portal

From the Settings, Agents window, you can upgrade agents to the latest version in the DevTest Portal. The Download button appears next to the agent when a new version is available. You hover over the Download and Pending button to see the version information.

Note: Not all agents can be upgraded in the DevTest Portal. Native agents and agents using JRE 1.5 and LisaAgent2.jar must be manually upgraded.

Only pure agents that have the following requirements can be upgraded:

Follow these steps:

  1. Save the latest LisaAgent.jar file to the LISA_HOME\lib\core\agentupgrade folder.
  2. Select Settings, Agents from the left navigation menu.

    The Agents window displays.

  3. From the Agents pane, click Download button.

    The Download button changes to Pending text.

  4. Restart the agent to complete the upgrade process.