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DevTest Components

The DevTest Solutions installer installs the following products when you install a DevTest Server (named Server in the Setup wizard):

These three products each have their own executables (and corresponding services). They are not independent products, however, because they all require the same registry executable. Previously, each product had its own UI. Now, the DevTest Portal is becoming the shared user interface for all products. (Some functionality can be accessed only from the DevTest Workstation or the DevTest Console.)

The DevTest Solution is composed of three prroducts and solution-level compoents.

About DevTest Server Components describes each executable component with where to find more information.

Start the Server Components specifies the order in which to start the executables.

Log in to the User Interfaces includes procedures for accessing each UI.

For the details on setting up and maintaining DevTest Solutions, see Administering.

For product-specific details, see: