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Create Virtual Services from REST Transactions

Use the following procedure to create a virtual service from a set of REST transactions in the CAI database.

A virtual service includes the responses that are sent for unknown conversational requests and unknown stateless requests. When you create a virtual service, you can configure the body of these responses. The following list describes the options:

Report "No Match"

Causes an exception to be raised in the virtualized application.

Bypass Virtual Service

Allows the original request to pass straight through, as if the class and method were not virtualized at all.

Follow these steps:

  1. Add a REST transaction frame to the shelf.
  2. Open the shelf.
  3. Click Create VS.
  4. To change the default name, select the name and make your edits, then click LISA--icon_save_check_icon--ICO to save.
  5. Configure the response for unknown requests.
  6. To view the consolidated transactions, click LISA--icon_expand_ICO.
  7. To delete a consolidated transaction, click LISA--icon_delete--ICO.
  8. Click Create.
  9. Select the project where the virtual service will be created.
  10. Click Create.

Note: For more information about consolidated transactions, see the Consolidation of Transactions When Creating Virtual Services topic.