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Edit a Configuration

In any configuration other than the project configuration, you can add properties only if they exist in the project configuration.

A best practice is to use properties in the path names that are stored in the configuration. Properties such as LISA_HOME or LISA_PROJ_ROOT allow for portability of test cases.

A property value can contain multiple lines.

The extended view consists of a dialog for editing a property value. This view can be useful when the value is long or when the value contains multiple lines. To access the extended view, right-click the property value cell and select Launch Extended View.

Follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the configuration in the Configs folder.

    The Properties Editor appears.

  2. Add a property by clicking LISA-- icon_image_whiteplussign Add at the bottom of the Properties Editor.

    A new line is added to the property list.

  3. Click the drop-down to select the chosen key.

    Common property names appear in the drop-down.



    Indicates the location of the hot deploy directory.


    Add more JAR files to your class path.


    Defines an email address to be notified when a test case fails.


    Filters out the selection of coordinators and VSEs based on the resources that are defined in a resource group.

    Screenshot of Properties Editor marked up